Chuck's Spring Street Cafe, PJ's Pancake House, Princeton, Thomas Sweets Ice Cream, Sushi Palace, clean eating, Shake Shack, holiday eating habits

Well, the hubs and I just returned from another #sylvanroadtrip adventure to Jersey for Thanksgiving. We spent a week visiting old haunts, spending time with family, and celebrating the holidays.

And eating. Always eating. If you read my blog regularly, you’ve probably noticed by now that I’m a bit obsessed with food—especially while traveling. This time around, I had intentions to eat healthy and vegetarian for the most part (save for Turkey Day). You know, because my eating habits are a lifestyle change, not a diet. Blah blah blah. But going to the land of good food right after a 50K made for a ravenous Tanya who ate everything that came across her path. So once again, here’s my trip as told by my meals:

Chuck's Spring Street Cafe, PJ's Pancake House, Princeton, Thomas Sweets Ice Cream, Sushi Palace, clean eating, Shake Shack, holiday eating habits, Omega Diner

We rolled into Jersey at 3 a.m. and were eating manna from heaven by 4 a.m.

Chuck's Spring Street Cafe, PJ's Pancake House, Princeton, Thomas Sweets Ice Cream, Sushi Palace, clean eating, Shake Shack, holiday eating habits, Omega Diner

Carnivore carnage from the best wings to ever cross the threshold of my mouth

Chuck's Spring Street Cafe, PJ's Pancake House, Princeton, Thomas Sweets Ice Cream, Sushi Palace, clean eating, Shake Shack, holiday eating habits, Omega Diner

When in Princeton for the holidays, you eat at PJ’s Pancake House and carve your name into the table

Chuck's Spring Street Cafe, PJ's Pancake House, Princeton, Thomas Sweets Ice Cream, Sushi Palace, clean eating, Shake Shack, holiday eating habits, Omega Diner

And eat the best ice cream ever – candy cane-style

Chuck's Spring Street Cafe, PJ's Pancake House, Princeton, Thomas Sweets Ice Cream, Sushi Palace, clean eating, Shake Shack, holiday eating habits, Omega Diner

Thanksgiving was spent with my favorite two-, three-, and four-legged friends

Chuck's Spring Street Cafe, PJ's Pancake House, Princeton, Thomas Sweets Ice Cream, Sushi Palace, clean eating, Shake Shack, holiday eating habits, Omega Diner

Where my sister and I ran the show for the first time ever

Chuck's Spring Street Cafe, PJ's Pancake House, Princeton, Thomas Sweets Ice Cream, Sushi Palace, clean eating, Shake Shack, holiday eating habits, Omega Diner

And it was a huge hit and put everyone into a coma

Chuck's Spring Street Cafe, PJ's Pancake House, Princeton, Thomas Sweets Ice Cream, Sushi Palace, clean eating, Shake Shack, holiday eating habits, Omega Diner

The boy and I paid a visit to the Big Apple

Chuck's Spring Street Cafe, PJ's Pancake House, Princeton, Thomas Sweets Ice Cream, Sushi Palace, clean eating, Shake Shack, holiday eating habits, Omega Diner

Where we finally indulged on delicious cows and potatoes

Chuck's Spring Street Cafe, PJ's Pancake House, Princeton, Thomas Sweets Ice Cream, Sushi Palace, clean eating, Shake Shack, holiday eating habits, Omega Diner

We celebrated a wonderful Thankschristmakah with all of the extended Sylvan fam

Chuck's Spring Street Cafe, PJ's Pancake House, Princeton, Thomas Sweets Ice Cream, Sushi Palace, clean eating, Shake Shack, holiday eating habits, Omega Diner

Where I ate my little California turkeys

Chuck's Spring Street Cafe, PJ's Pancake House, Princeton, Thomas Sweets Ice Cream, Sushi Palace, clean eating, Shake Shack, holiday eating habits, Omega Diner

We ended the trip with our traditional all-you-can-eat sushi binge

Chuck's Spring Street Cafe, PJ's Pancake House, Princeton, Thomas Sweets Ice Cream, Sushi Palace, clean eating, Shake Shack, holiday eating habits, Omega Diner

Where my sis and I ate 80+ pieces of sushi – besting our previous record

The result? I came home 5-8 lbs heavier, feeling equally proud and disappointed. I enjoyed myself thoroughly and don’t regret a single calorie, but enough is enough. I need to get back on the clean eating train. I started my morning with an almond shake, plan to run later, and will stock the fridge with healthy goodies and do lots of plant-based meal prep.

It will take some time to get rid of my Jersey souvenir, but I’m confident that I’ll get back to my fighting weight just in time for the next round of holiday goodies!

Chuck's Spring Street Cafe, PJ's Pancake House, Princeton, Thomas Sweets Ice Cream, Sushi Palace, clean eating, Shake Shack, holiday eating habits, Omega Diner

…and now we nap